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Where can I find Coca-Cola (Coke) stock information?

Register for your free account today at Discover real-time Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. Common Stock (COKE) stock prices, quotes, historical data, news, and Insights for informed trading and investment decisions. Stay ahead with Nasdaq.

Why is Coca-Cola on the NYSE and not the NASDAQ?

Still, many big companies tend to prefer the NYSE to competitor Nasdaq OMX 's (Nasdaq: NDAQ) stock exchange. That's why Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) goes by the less-than-obvious KO ticker while the lesser-known Coca-Cola Bottling (Nasdaq: COKE) gets the COKE symbol.

Why does Coca-Cola have a different ticker for Coke and Coke?

That's why Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) goes by the less-than-obvious KO ticker while the lesser-known Coca-Cola Bottling (Nasdaq: COKE) gets the COKE symbol. The companies don't really mean to confuse us, but history and tradition just worked out this way.

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